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Technical article

The Sidestream Dark Field (SDF) Handheld Imaging Device

Microcirculation Microscope

Mesentery microcirculation

HD-WX-10 Multi-location Microcirculation Microscope

HD-WX-10 Microcirculation Machine

Mouse Auricle Microcirculation Observation System

Handheld Color Microcirculation Analyzer

Imaging of the sublingual microcirculation in elderly patients ¨C a pilot study

Sublingual microcirculation

Clinical review: Clinical imaging of the sublingual microcirculation in the critically ill......


Applications of Real-time Polarization Difference Imaging in Healthcare

Bench-to-bedside review: Mechanisms of critical illness......


Observation of the prevalence of sublingual.....

Non-invasive assessment of microcirculation by sidestream dark field imaging......

Imaging of the intestinal microcirculation

Improvement of Sidestream Dark Field Imaging with ......

Intraoperative imaging of the brain macro- and microcirculation......

Orthogonal Polarization Spectral (OPS)/Sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging.......


Sidestream dark-field imaging and image analysis......

Experimental studies

Sepsis and septic shock

Effect of various interventions

Heart failure and cardiogenic shock

Renovascular disease, microcirculation, and the progression of renal injury......
ATP, P2 receptors and the renal microcirculation
Changes in Cerebral Microcirculation During......
Influence of Platelet-Activating Factor on Cerebral Microcirculation in Rats
Self-mixing Microprobe For monitoring Microvascular Perfusion In Rat Brain
Microcirculation after cerebral venous occlusions as assessed by laser Doppler scanning
Honors and Prizes




MichaelPiagnerelli,1,2 CanInce,3,4 andArnaldo Dubin5,6
1DepartmentofIntensiveCare, CHU-Charleroi,Universit´
eLibre deBruxelles, 92,BoulevardJanson,
6000 Charleroi,Belgium 2ExperimentalMedicine Laboratory, CHU-Charleroi, 6110Montigny-le-Tilleul,Belgium 3DepartmentofIntensiveCare,ErasmusMedicalCenter,UniversityMedicalCenter,P.O.Box 2040,
3000 CARotterdam,TheNetherlands 4Department ofTranslationalPhysiology,AcademicMedicalCenter,UniversityofAmsterdam,Meibergdreef9,
1105 AZAmsterdam,TheNetherlands 5ServiciodeTerapiaIntensiva, Sanatorio OtamendiyMiroli 870, C1115AAB BuenosAires,Argentina 6CatedradeFarmacologiaAplicada,FacultaddeCienciasM´edicas,UniversidadNacionaldeLaPlata,Argentina
Correspondence shouldbe addressedtoMichael Piagnerelli,michael.piagnerelli@chu-charleroi.be
Received 16 September 2012;Accepted 16 September 2012
Copyright© 2012Michael Piagnerelli et al. Thisis anopen access article distributed under theCreativeCommonsAttribution License,whichpermits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproductioninany medium,providedthe originalworkisproperly

The microcirculation£¨sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia,sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging£© is the part of the circulation whereoxy¬gen,nutrients, hormones,and waste products are exchanged between circulating blood and parenchymal cells. The micro¬circulation includes not only all the vessels with a diameter <100 µm but also the interactions between blood compo¬nents (circulating cells,coagulation factors), the vessels lined by the endothelium,and theglycocalyx.
Over the last decade, especially since the development of newtechniquessuch asorthogonalpolarizedspectral (OPS) and sidestream dark field(SDF) imaging,wehavebeenable to assess alterations in the microcirculation(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia) of critically ill patientsatthe bedside[1¨C4].Fromthe variousstudies,itis clear that all components of the microcirculation (sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia,sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging)are altered early in critical illness, especially during sepsis. Persistence of these alterations is associated with increased morbidity andapoor outcome[2,4,5].Interestingly, these alterations arenotcorrelatedwith systemic hemodynamics[6], making monitoring the microcirculation(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia) of particular interest for titrating potential therapies.
So, should we all be assessing the microcirculation£¨sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia,sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging£© at the bedside and useitto guide therapyinall criticallyill patients? Unfortunately, we are not yet ready for this step! Indeed, several questions need to be answered before we try to modulate the microcirculation(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia) with any therapeutic intervention. In this special issue, several recent studies in thisfieldare publishedtotryandprovide someresponsesto these remaining questions.
Before microcirculatory (sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia)monitoring can become wide¬spread,it needstobe standardized:first,intermsofimaging the sublingual microcirculation(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia), and second, in terms of quantifying the alterations observed. N. A. R. Vellinga et al. suggest the development of a picture database from 36 intensive care units(ICUs) worldwide.These authors called their network: microSOAP(Microcirculatory(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia) ShockOccur¬rence in Acutely ill Patients). The aim of this multicenter, observationalstudy wastocollect500 imagesfromcritically illpatientsandto estimatetheprevalenceof microcirculatory(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia) alterations in ICU patients, related to conventional clinical and hemodynamic variables. Moreover, this database could serveasa source forfurtherinvestigations.
Despitearound tableinvolvingexpertsin the field[7], scoring of microcirculatory£¨sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia,sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging£© alterations remains controversial [8, 9]and could limit the expansion of this technique. In¬deed, if different scoring techniques are used in different studies, it is difficulttocomparestudiesand patients.In this specialissue,M.O.Pozoetal.compareddifferentmethods (sepsis,pyemia)of calculating the microvascular(pyemia) flow index (MFI). This index is commonlyusedtosemiquantitativelycharacterize theveloc¬ity of microcirculatory(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia,sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging) perfusion as absent, intermittent, sluggish, or normal[7,10]. Threeapproaches aredescribed tocomputethe MFI:(1)theaverageofthepredominantflow in eachof the four quadrants(MFIbyquadrants),(2) direct assessment during bedside video acquisition (MFI point of care), and(3) the mean value of the MFIs determined
in eachindividualvessel(MFIvesselby vessel).In thisstudy, performed by analyzing 100 pictures from septic patients, the best correlations were between the MFI vessel by vessel andRBC velocity(r2:0.61, P<0.0001) and between the MFIvesselbyvesselandthefractionofperfused smallvessels (r2:0.96, P<0.0001).AlthoughMFI measurementreflects(sepsis,pyemia) the magnitude of microvascular (sepsis,pyemia)perfusion, the different approaches arenot interchangeable.Asnotedbythe authors, however, although the MFI vessel by vessel approach may seem to be preferable, it is time consuming and does not facilitate useofthetechniqueatthe bedside.
Alsoin thisissue,E.¨CS.Tripodakiet al. andA.P.C.Top et al. introduce new pieces into the puzzle of the relationship of the microcirculation£¨sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia,sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging£© and systemic hemodynamics. First, Tripodaki etal. evaluate the relationship of muscle microcir¬culation to systemic parameters and outcome after cardiac surgery. The authors studied the microcirculation(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia) using near-infrared spectroscopy(NIRS) and the vascular occlu¬sion technique. They observed good correlations between NIRS-derived variablesand cardiacoutput(sepsis,pyemia), lactate, andmor¬tality.Theserelationshipshave been describedpreviouslyin septic shock[11]but thisis the first time theyhavebeen demonstrated in cardiac surgery patients. The dependence of the microcirculation (sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia)on systemic hemodynamics is a controversialissue.Inseptic shock, sublingual microvascular£¨sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia,sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging£© perfusion is independent of either cardiac output or blood pressure[4]; therefore, the microcirculation(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia) may behaveas an independent compartment of the cardiovascular system. Increasing bloodpressurewith norepinephrine,however, did affect the sublingual microcirculation (sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia)showing that some dependencyis stillpresent[12].
In this context, G. Hernandez et al. investigated the microcirculation£¨sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia,sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging£© of a particular critically ill septic pop¬ulation: septic patients with arterial hypotension without elevated lactate concentrations. In an earlier study, these authors showed that persistent sepsis-induced hypotension without hyperlactatemia was associated with less severe organdysfunction andaverylowmortality risk (5.2versus 17.4% forpatientswithlactateconcentrations >2.5 mmol/L) [13].Inthepresentstudy,the authorsusedanSDFimaging device() to studythe microcirculation (sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia)of 45 of these patients. Therewererelativelyfew abnormalitiesin thispopulation,as shownbyamedianMFI valueof2.4 andamedianpercentage of perfused vessels of 87.3%.(pyemia) This study tends to support the notion that patients with persistent sepsis-induced hypotension without hyperlactatemia exhibit a distinctive clinical and physiological profile within the spectrum of septic shock. This subject should be addressed in future studies.
A.P.C.Top et al. studied the behaviorof the sublingual microcirculation £¨sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia,sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging£©afterthe startof ECMO therapyin neonates with severe respiratory failure. ECMO usually induces an improvementinhemodynamicsand an immediate decrease in vasopressorneeds.Nevertheless, beneficialcardiovascular effects after ECMO were not evident in this study as shown by unchanged blood pressure (sepsis,pyemia)and no changes in infusions of vasoactive or inotropic drugs. Simultaneously, (sepsis,pyemia)the sublingual microcirculation£¨sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia,sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging£© failed to improve and the alterationspresentat baselineremainedpresent.Incontrast,
agroup of patients on mechanical ventilation, with similar derangements at baseline, showed a decrease in microvascu¬larperfusionover time.These findingssuggest thatECMO could have a delayed efect on the microcirculation(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia) and thus prevent a further deterioration in microvascular flow. Unfortunately, the lack of cardiac output measurements precludes a fuller understanding of these results.
Finally, after works on measurements of the microcirculation£¨sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia,sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging£© at the bedside, studies on other compounds of the microcirculation(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia), such as the glycocalyx or red blood cells (RBCs), are reported. Enzymatic degradation of the glyco¬calyx induces vascular leakage ex vivo,soS.A.Landsverk et al. investigated enzymatic treatment in an in vivo whole bodyhamstermodel.Inadditiontolooking at theeffects of degradation of the glycocalyx on endothelial leakage, these authors also investigated the potential effects of thisprocess on the microcirculation(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia). After injection of hyaluronidase, they measuredplasmavolumeand functional capillaryden¬sity as markers of the microcirculation(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia). Enzyme treatment did not induce changes in plasma or albumin volumes, but reduced functional capillary density. There was no correlation between plasma hyaluronan concentrations and plasma volume or microcirculatory(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia,sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging) disturbances, despite a 50¨C100 fold increaseinplasmahyaluronan.Toexplain their results, the authors suggest thatimpaired mechanotransduc¬tion associated with vasoconstriction, mainly due to loss of hyaluronan from the endothelial glycocalyx, was a possible mechanism[14].Anotherpossibility is the increased RBC rigidity athigherhyaluronan concentrations[15].
In another article, Y. Serroukh et al. comprehensively review the alterations in the erythrocyte membrane that occurinsepsis(sepsis,pyemia). This issueispotentially importanttoexplain the microcirculatory(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia) abnormalities in sepsis. The authors discuss the alterations in the components of the RBC membrane thathavepreviouslybeendescribed.Thismem¬brane is essential for RBC deformability and rheology, and changesin the membrane anditscomplex interactionscould significantly afect the microcirculation(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia,sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging). Although clinical evidence is limited, RBC rheologic alterations in sepsis and their effects on blood flow and oxygen transport may have importantimplications, andimproved understandingof the underlying mechanisms is important(sepsis,pyemia). Consequently, this review notonlycontributesto ourunderstandingof current knowledge butalsoprovidesaframeworkforfutureresearch.
In conclusion, this special issue highlights the distur¬bances(pyemia) in the microcirculation(sepsis,blood poisoning,pyemia,pyohemia) in critically ill patients and presents some answers to important questions concerning methodology or particular populations of patients. These articlesprovidesomeadditionalpiecesto thecomplexpuzzle ofoptimizingtreatmentofthe criticallyillpatient! MichaelPiagnerelli CanInce ArnaldoDubin

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