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Technical article

The Sidestream Dark Field (SDF) Handheld Imaging Device

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Orthogonal Polarization Spectral (OPS)/Sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging: a new method for the observation of the microcirculation in pediatrics
Marketa Stanclova1, Zdenek Kokstein1, Vladimir Cerny2,3
1 Department of Paediatrics, University Hospital Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic 2 Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital
Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic 3 Department of Anesthesia, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

Microcirculation£¨visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£©plays an important role both in physiological and pathophysiological states. Early recognition of changes in microcirculation is crucial for starting early therapeutic intervention and reversing the organ failure. Orthogonal polarization spectral (OPS) and Sidestream dark field imaging (SDF) £¨visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£©are relatively new noninvasive methods that allow direct visualisation of the microcircu¬lation at the bedside and analysis using semi-quantitative scores. In human medicine, these optical devices have been so far carried out in critically ill adult patients (sepsis, shock, cardiac arrest etc.). To date, only a few medical papers have been published on the use of the technique in children, in particular in preterm neonates. Although it has been the sublingual region commonly used for the observation in adults, the most frequently used site for assessment in newborns is the skin or buccal mucosa. The studies published on the use of OPS/SDF imaging £¨Sidestream dark field imaging (SDF),visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£©in the newborns show them as a potentially important addition to hemodynamic monitoring in neonatal intensive care.
Key words: microcirculation, neonates, Orthogonal polarization spectral imaging, Sidestream dark field imaging, functional capillary density in physiological and pathophysiological
states. [1-3] The microvascular perfusion is OPS Orthogonal polarization spectral controlled locally in health and is main-SDF Sidestream dark field tained despite changes in arterial blood pres-FCD Functional capillary density sure. The local autoregulation mechanisms ECMO Extracorporeal membrane oxygena-are very individual, vary depending on ortion gans, diseases, metabolic activity or even PDA patent ductus arteriosus each patient.
Arterial blood pressure is considered as a main marker of tissue perfusion.
However Introduction there is no absolute threshold blood pressure that would define adequate perfusion. Mi-Microcirculation£¨Sidestream dark field imaging (SDF),visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£© is an important part of the crovascular blood flow measurement as a di¬cardiovascular system. It ensures the tissue rect oxygen supply indicator would be an oxygen supply and has a crucial role in the important additional tool to hemodynamic interaction between blood and tissue, both assessment in intensive care. Early detection of abnormalities in the tissue perfusion al¬lows early intervention and better clinical outcome in critically ill patients. [4] Orthog¬onal polarization spectral (OPS) [2] and its improved successor Sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging£¨visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£© are relatively new noninva¬sive handheld devices for bedside observa¬tion of the microcirculation. [5]
OPS/SDF imaging (Sidestream dark field imaging (SDF),visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation )
The development of new technologies for microvascular observation enabled studying various pathophysiological states at the cap¬illary level. The techniques were validated in animal studies with great effort to implement them to clinical research. For many years, capillary microscopy had been the only method for observation of the microcircula¬tion in humans. Capillary microscopes can be used only on easily accessible surfaces (skin, nailfold, lip or bulbar conjunctiva) and therefore have significant limitations in clini¬cal applications. OPS imaging technology and its validation against conventional capil¬lary microscope provide new possibilities for further clinical research in microcirculation.
[5] The most frequently used place for direct visualisation of the microcirculation in adults is the sublingual area. Clinical studies are fo¬cused mainly on critically ill patients (in sep¬sis, shock, cardiac arrest). [3, 5] The device is based on the principle that green polarized light (548 nm) illuminates the tissue sur¬rounding the capillaries and is absorbed by hemoglobin within the erythrocytes. The backscattered light passes through the ana¬lyzer that filters out surface reflections creat¬ing a high-contrast image of flowing erythro¬cytes in capillaries.
Despite visualizing the blood flow alter¬ations in critically ill patients, several limita¬tions in OPS imaging still remain, in particu¬lar movement and pressure artefacts. [4, 5] SDF imaging£¨Sidestream dark field imaging (SDF),visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£©, a new improved device based on OPS technology, provides a better image quality. In this technique a light guide is sur¬rounded by light emitting diodes (LED) of wavelenght 530 nm to provide sidestream dark field illumination. The lens system of the light guide is optically isolated from the ring of LEDs to prevent images from contam¬ination by tissue surface reflections. In the videosequence red blood cells are imaged as dark flowing structures against white/grayish background. To provide a high quality image diodes are emitting the light in sychrony with the frame rate of the CCD camera. This stro¬boscopic imaging prevents from artefacts while capturing flowing structures (erythro¬cytes). For the purpose of SDF imaging the Microscan videomicroscope was developed (Microvision Medical, Amsterdam, Nether¬lands). The probe with a sterile disposable cap is placed on the organ/tissue surface and allows the observation of the microcirculation£¨Sidestream dark field imaging (SDF),visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£© morphology and perfusion in various clinical states. The videosequence is visu¬alised on a monitor. Digitally recorded im¬ages are stored on a hard-drive and the analysis is performed off-line. [5] However, the analysis of videosequences is time-con¬suming and requires certain training period. There are several software systems and scor¬ing scales available for the analysis. A round table conference in 2006 focused on key points for optimal visualisation of the micro¬circulation as well as on various scoring sys¬tems. The participants proposed recommen¬dations for the image acquisition and further analysis which include investigating mini¬mum 3-5 sites per organ, each videose¬quence at least of 20 s. The scores consist of functional capillary density (FCD) ¨C a param¬eter of perfusion and an indirect index of tis¬sue oxygen supply measured in cm/cm², pro¬portion of perfused vessels (PPV) and semi¬quantitative microcirculatory flow index (MFI) based on predominant type of flow in four quadrants (0 = no flow, 1 = intermit¬tent, 2 = sluggish, 3 = normal). [6]
Orthogonal Polarization Spectral (OPS)/Sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging £¨Sidestream dark field imaging (SDF),visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£©
Microcirculation in clinical research
In clinical research methods for visualisation of the microcirculation have been widely ap¬plied in critically ill adult patients (in sepsis or other forms of distributive shock). The key point is to undestand the changes of the mi¬crocirculation at the molecular level. The most frequently used site for assessment in clinical research is the sublingual mucosal surface. Recent studies have shown patho¬physiological changes at the sublingual level in the development of organ failure in septic patients that can be observed already at ear¬ly stages of the disease. There are dearrange¬ments in the blood flow at the capillary lev¬el, de Backer et al. [7] described reduced vessel density and reduced proportion of the perfused small (<20 µm) vessels in patients with sepsis. These alterations are more re¬markable in patients with a worse outcome. In survivors, the perfusion improves with ad¬equate therapy but just if treated at early stages of the sepsis. Microvascular impair¬ment can be observed also in patients with severe heart failure and cardiogenic shock. In comparison with a control group, there was a lower proportion of small vessels per¬fused in cardiac failure. [8]
Microcirculation in pediatrics/neonatology
Microcirculatory changes in various patho¬physiological states can be observed also in neonates.
Recently there have been several medical papers focused on the investigation of the microcirculation in newborns, especially in preterm infants. [4, 9-15] With regard to the fact that there are significant differences in children (different body proportions, higher metabolic rate, lack of compensatory respira¬tory and cardiovascular reserve) as well as different pathophysiological response to ill¬ness, children cannot be regarded as small adults and deserve own clinical research to provide age related parameters. Before OPS/SDF imaging£¨Sidestream dark field imaging (SDF),visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£© the assessment of the mi¬crocirculation was performed by videopho¬tometric microscopy or laser Doppler. In the last 10 years, the field of interest has been fo¬cused on OPS/SDF imaging£¨Sidestream dark field imaging (SDF),visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£©, the studies have shown alterations at microcirculatory level in various pathophysiological states in neonates. Although it is the sublingual re¬gion commonly used for observing of the mi¬crocirculation in adults, the most frequently used site for assessment in pediatric patients is the skin [9, 10, 15] or buccal mucosa. [4, 11-14] Genzel-Boroviczeny et al. focused on observing the microcirculation transcuta¬neously, provided first quantitative microvas¬cular parameters in neonates using OPS im¬aging and proved its use as a safe noninva¬sive tool in children. The study group has al¬so published data on changes in erythrocyte blood flow according to hemoglobin levels in the first days after birth [9], further re¬search showed changes in microcirculation after therapeutic transfusion. [10] The obser¬vation of the sublingual area that is the most frequently used for the assessment of the mi¬crocirculation in adult patients is however not easy to do in children. The sublingual re¬gion is difficult to access due to the size of the probe, the examination itself is not very well tolerated and there are also sequence artefacts because of the great amount of sali¬va in the mouth. Transcutaneous observation of the microcirculation using OPS/SDF imaging£¨Sidestream dark field imaging (SDF),visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£© is only possible to be performed in new¬borns and infants, in older children the measurement is limited because the skin is thicker and the microcirculation has a more adult pattern. [11] Top et al. have published studies on the use of the technique in criti¬cally ill neonates as well as in infants and older children. They have observed the buc¬cal mucosa which shares the common em¬bryogenic origin with the splanchnic mu¬cosa, the group focused on children up to 15 years and reported that there are similar al¬terations on buccal mucosa in septic pedi¬atric patients. [11] The microvascular re¬sponse to extracorporeal membrane oxy¬genation (ECMO) of critically ill infants with respiratory distress was investigated in fur¬ther studies and proved microcirculatory al¬terations (reduced FCD) in ill infants in com¬parison with a control group. [12] In a more recent paper Top et al. showed the effect of inhaled NO in infants with persistent pul¬monary hypertension and proved that in¬haled NO positively affects the microcirculation£¨Sidestream dark field imaging (SDF),visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£©. [13] Hiedl et al. investigated the differ¬ences in microcirculatory parameters in preterm infants with hemodynamically sig¬nificant persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in comparison with preterm infants without PDA and found that these changes disap¬peared after therapeutic intervention. [14]
Tissue oxygenation and homeostasis are es¬sential for every living cell and depend on microvascular perfusion. OPS/SDF imaging£¨Sidestream dark field imaging (SDF),visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£© allow direct visualisation of the microcircula¬tion and even though the studies have so far focused mainly on adult patients, there have been several medical papers lately that showed its use in pediatric intensive care, in particular in neonatology. The main differ¬ence for the observation in pediatrics is the area for the investigation. Most study groups observed the microcirculation of the skin, only Top et al. used the buccal mucosa. There have been published data mainly on microcirculatory parameters of preterm in¬fants with pre-existing disease but physiolog¬ical microvascular parameters have not been widely reported yet. The physiology of the microcirculation in neonates might have an importance for further studies. The field of the clinical research in microcirculation is open and suggests several new directions. The methods have some limitations but if the development of technology enables online analysis, OPS/SDF imaging£¨Sidestream dark field imaging (SDF),visualize the microcirculation at the bedside,clinical microcirculation£© might help the clinicians to start early and effectively target¬ed therapy.
The research was funded by the Institutional program of the University Hospital Hradec Kr¨¢lov¨¦.
1 Boerma CE, Mathura KR, van der Voort PHJ, Spronk PE, Ince C. Quantifying bed¬side-derived imaging of microcirculatory abnormalities in septic patients: a prospec¬tive validation study. Critical care 2005; 9: R601-R606
2 Černý V, Turek Z, Pař¨ªzkov¨¢ R. Orthogonal Spectral Imaging. Physiological research 2007; 56: 141-147
3 Verdant CL, De Backer D, Bruhn A, Clausi CM, Su F, Wang Z, Rodriguez H, Pries AR, Vincent

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