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Technical article

The Sidestream Dark Field (SDF) Handheld Imaging Device

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Self-mixing Microprobe For monitoring Microvascular Perfusion In Rat Brain
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Honors and Prizes



    Now medical studies have shown that there is a very clear and good correlation between sublingual microcirculation and human visceral microcirculation. Therefore observation of sublingual microcirculation can infer the status of visceral microcirculation (microvascular)

    The sidestream dark field (sidestream dark visual field) detection system made by our company can detect microcirculation (microvascular) blood flow status of large animals such as sheep, pigs, or even rat skulls (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation), (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation) . Because existing standard test samples are mostly made based on rat blood vessels, it is very convenient for researchers to compare microcirculation status detected in rat skulls by our device to standard test models of rats.

Self-mixing Microprobe For monitoring Microvascular Perfusion In Rat Brain

Edite Figueiras • Ricardo Oliveira • Ca´tia F. Lourenc¸o •
Rita Campos • Anne Humeau-Heurtier • Rui M. Barbosa •
Joa˜o Laranjinha • Luis F. Requicha Ferreira • Frits F. M. de Mul

Received: 30 May 2012 / Accepted: 28 September 2012
International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering 2012

Abstract    Measuring functional activity in brain (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation) in connection with neural stimulation faces technological challenges. Our goal is to evaluate, in relative terms, the real-time variations of local cerebral blood flow in rat brain (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation), with a convenient spatial resolution. The use of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) probes is a promising approach but commercially available LDF probes are still too large (450 lm) to allow insertion in brain (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation) tissue without causing damage in an extension that may negatively impact local measurements. The self-mixing technique coupled to LDF is herein proposed to overcome limitations of the minimal diameter of the probe imposed by non-self-mixing probes (commercial available probes). Our Monte Carlo simulations show that laser photons have a mean penetration depth of 0.15 mm, on the rat brain (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation) with the 785 nm laser light microprobe. Moreover, three self-mixing signal processing methods are tested: counting method, autocorrelation method, power spectrum method. The perfusion signal computed shows a good linearity with the scatterers velocity, for the three methods (a determination coefficient close to one is obtained), for the in vitro measurements.Furthermore, we believe that these indicators can be used to monitor local blood flow changes in the rat brain  ( rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation).

Keywords   Self-mixing Laser Doppler flowmetry  Blood flow Microcirculation

1 Introduction
1.1 Basic principles and measuring system Laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) is a technique to monitor microvascular (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation).blood perfusion in real time. The principles of this technique encompass the use of a coherent laser light beam carried from a laser unit by an emitting optical fibre to the tissues under study [2, 6]. The light is then reflected, scattered, absorbed or transmitted in the tissues. When photons hit moving red blood cells (RBCs), a change in their wavelength occurs (Doppler shift), conversely to the photons that hit static structures that do not have any modification in their wavelength [2, 6].  This technique eliminates the need of additional detectors and components such as isolators and pinholes. This leads to cheaper and more compact systems [20]. 1.2 Brain (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation)microcirculation and motivation Brain requires a continuous vascular supply of glucose and oxygen to sustain a proper function, given that neurons lack substrate storage, high metabolic rate(rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation)  and high sensitivity to oxygen deprivation. Furthermore, the supply of blood flow-carrying substrates must be locally and dynamically regulated to meet the energetic demand associated with the increase of the neuronal activity. The existence of mechanisms that incorporate variations in neuronal activity with local blood supply was firstly suggested more than a century ago but they are still not fully clarified. This is a critical process for brain(rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation)  structural and functional integrity [7].In microcirculatory ( rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation). brain blood flow measurements, LDF is primarily considered a non-invasive technique mainly used in studies of hemodynamic events in cortical surfaces [4, 14]. The available commercial LDF probes are based on the traditional detection method where two optical fibres (an emitting and a receiving fibres) are needed, restricting the minimum diameter of the probes around to c.a. 500 lm. Therefore, the development of smaller probes, allowing the monitoring of blood flow changes in deep brain(rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation)  structures minimising tissue damage and the negative impact over natural environment, is an important requirement to better understand how brain(rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation). controls its own blood supply. Thus, to monitor blood flow changes in deep brain structures, we propose to develop a miniaturized LDF probe based on a self-mixing method [16].In vitro and in vivo validations of the self-mixing prototype are presented in this paper. Several signal processing methods were proposed in the literature for self-mixing signals processing, namely the counting method (CM), the autocorrelation method (AC) and the power spectrum method (PSM) [19, 20]. These methods will be evaluated for both in vitro and in vivo validations. A discussion of the effects of the signal processing methods on the results is presented together with a comparison of the results obtained with the microprobe prototype and with a commercial available flowmeter.

2 Methods
Self-mixing prototype
A laser Doppler flowmeter prototype with self-mixing capabilities, outlined in Fig. 1, is being constructed in our laboratory and validated for rat brain (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation) invasive measurements [16]. The prototype is formed by the actuation system, represented in Fig. 1a, and the self-mixing acquisition system, represented in Fig. 1b. The actuation system has two constant current drivers for two different lasers diodes. The acquisition system is responsible for the self-mixing photocurrent amplification and the digitalization of the detected signal through the NI-USB 6210 (National Instruments ). Matlab routines and subroutines are used for mathematical analyses.

                                          rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation                             

3 Results
 Monte Carlo results
The simulations performed for the model shows that the Doppler shifted photons travelled a mean depth of 0.15 mm in the hippocampus region. Each photon suffers in average 2.23 scatters events. In a total of 5,000,000 photons detected, 11.9 % had suffered Doppler shifts.

In vivo results
The signals collected in the rat brain (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation) were processed and compared with those obtained with the Perimed probe. All the above-mentioned signal processing methods were tested. Cerebral blood flow variations were promoted by systemic injection of sodium nitrite, which induces a biphasic effect over blood perfusion: (i) soon after the injection, blood perfusion slightly increases due to nitriteinduced vasodilatation [24] and later in consequence of cardiac output rise (to balance the decreased oxygen transport due to metahemoglobinemia), and (ii) finally, an abrupt decrease is observed due to cardiac arrest. Signals were collected from several animals (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation)(6 measurements with M1308 and 5 measurements with M785). We only show signals collected in two of those: one acquisition was made with the 1308 nm laser light wavelength (M1308) and the other with the 785 nm laser light wavelength (M785). Similar results were obtained in the remaining animals. The Periflux 5000, CM, AM, M0 and M1 results are presented in Figs. 7 and 8 for M1308 and M785, respectively. In M1308 measurements, three regions can be seen in the signals amplitude for Periflux 5000, CM, AM and M0 results (see Fig. 7). An initial baseline can be seen during the first 5 min of acquisition, followed by an increase in the amplitude and its oscillations. Finally, the amplitude decreases after 25 min of acquisition during the cardiac arrest (see Fig. 7). For the M1 results, a pattern that changes in accordance with these three regions can be seen. The maximal perfusion that occurs after the nitrite injection was detected at 21.18, 18.22, 19.26 and 22.12 min in Periflux 5000, CM, AM and M0, respectively. The increase percentage, between the mean baseline value and the peak, was 32.6, 69.45, 74.72, 74.20 % in Periflux 5000, CM, AM and M0, respectively. In M785, an initial baseline can be seen during the first 5 min in Periflux 5000, CM, AM and M0 results (see Fig. 8). After the nitrite injection, the mean amplitude decreases in Periflux 5000. This could be due to a probedisplacement during the nitrite injection.

                               rat skull microvascular,rat microvascular

4 Discussion
The measurement depth obtained in Monte Carlo simulations is in accordance with the one of Fredriksson et al. [3] where the authors reported a 0.16 mm of measurement depth. These results are useful for the rat brain (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation) probepositioning, since the position of the probe in the specific region of the hippocampus is conditioned by the mean depth travelled by the Doppler shift photons. Monte Carlo simulations for 1,308 nm were not implemented, as optical properties for biological tissues are published only up to 1,000 nm wavelength. Despite that, for this wavelength, it is necessary to consider the water present in the tissue, as the absorption coefficient is high (for 1,300 nm, the absorption coefficient of water is 1.35 cm-1) when compared with visible and near infra-red wavelengths (for 785 nm, the absorption coefficient of water is 0.02398 cm-1) [8]. This implies that, when we consider the 1,308 nm laser light, most of the light is absorbed by water, so the incident beam will only penetrate a few cell diameters into the tissue [15]. In the signals collected in the rotating turntable, a lower drop of the maximum value of the AM was used for 785 nm in the phantom measurements: as it can be seen in Fig. 4b, the autocorrelation functions of different velocities for larger lag times mix, loosing the velocity information. Besides that, the results obtained for 0 mm/s was discarded from the statistical analysis. As it can be seen in Fig. 4b, the autocorrelation function for 0 mm/s has a very different shape when compared with the other velocities. The autocorrelation function for 0 m/s has a very slow decay time when compared with the other velocities; however, for the lower lag times it has a faster decay. The drop threshold was chosen in this fast decay region. That is why the AM result for this velocity is out of the range of the results obtained for the other velocities. Concerning the CM results, a set of thresholds were tested. The ones with the best results were chosen for in vitro and in vivo validation. In the PSM results, in the in vitro tests, a higher low cut-off frequency was chosen (2 kHz) based on the observation of the spectra (Fig. 5) because for the lower frequencies the spectra are mixed. In vivo results with the new probes reveal that the microprobesmay (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation) be used for rat brain blood flowmonitoring. Blood perfusion variations promoted by nitrite intraperitoneal injection are clearly visible on the signals from both tested microprobes: the slight increment verified after the nitrite injection and the abrupt decrease observed in consequence of the cardiac arrest. In M1308 the typical signal obtained with Periflux 5000 cannot be seen in M1. However,a pattern that changes in accordance with the three regions can be seen. In general, signals collected with the microprobe have more electronic noise, when compared with the Periflux 5000 results. This indicates that improvements in the self-mixing acquisition channels must be done, namely the implementation of analogue and digital filters. For both acquisitions (M1308 and M785), the peak detected with the new prototype is close to the one obtained with Periflux 5000. Regarding the increase percentage, it is higher for the new probes. The smallest increase percentage obtained with the Perimed device in M785 may be due to the probe displacement. Parameters used in this work, like sample frequency, frequency rate(rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation) and filters cut-off frequencies, were based on the ones used in conventional laser Doppler flowmeters. However, for their validation, more tests with controlled parameters have to be carried out. Self-mixing interferometry devices have simple optical systems but self-mixing phenomena are complex. It is necessary to understand how the system responds to velocity and concentration of scatterers in order to use it in perfusion measurements. The variations of the back-coupled light intensity and its relation with the perfusion as well as the speckle statistical properties obtained from microcirculation (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation)  blood flow must be understood [20, 21]. This is crucial to compare selfmixing sensors with the commercial sensors available.Besides that, the absence of a calibration method is also a drawback. A proper calibration method could improve the microprobe response to slight changes in flow and a more clear differentiation before and after cardiac arrest could be reached. We present a novel miniaturized LDF probe based on a self-mixing method to monitor blood flow changes in deep brain (rat skull microvascular,rat head microvascular,rat microvascular,rat microcirculation) structures.

1. Bonner R, Nossal R (1981) Model for laser Doppler measurements of blood flow in tissue. Appl Opt 20:2097¨C2107
2. Fredriksson I, Fors C, Johansson J (2007) Laser Doppler flowmetry¡ª a theoretical framework. http://www.imt.liu.se/bit/ldf/

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